Tuesday, February 25, 2020

How To Versus Want To Versus Get To

What's the difference between agreeing to complete work for each other, being told what to do for homework, and exploring what you want to in your own way? 

Agreeing to do work for each other means you both have an agreement to get your work done without pressure. It becomes more of a mutual agreement.
While being told what to do puts pressure to get things done immediately at the other persons will.

Gatsby Notes and Thoughts : Chapter 7/ Pgs. 119-154

1. Why does Gatsby stop having parties?
Gatsby stops having parties because he has Daisy now and the parties were to attract her so now they serve no purpose.

2. Why does Gatsby fire his staff, and who replaces them?  How are these people different, and how do their personalities reflect what we know about Wolfsheim?
Gatsby fires his staff because he wants a staff that isn't brided by tradesmen. The staff is replaced with half a dozen servants who never been to West Egg Village. The people apear to not be servants at all.

3. Describe the difference in Daisy's and Gatsby's reactions to Daisy's daughter.
Gatsby is shocked to see Daisy's daughter for the first time while Daisy talks about how she looks nothing like her father and how she only looks like her.

4. Describe the "outing" to New York and the confrontation between Tom and Gatsby.  Who wins?
Tom is very done with Gatsby's presence and is very angry. Gatsby is furious with the accusations Tom is making at him. Gatsby wins. Gatsby, Tom, Daisy, and Nick all in the same tense room. Gatsby tells Daisy to tell Tom the truth about Daisy's love for Gatsby. Gatsby has no backbone and just lets herself be told what to do. Daisy takes no responsibility.

5. BAM! What happens on the way back to Long Island?  (You have to get this-- it's THE event of the book.)
Daisy kills someone on the way back to Long Island. Murtle Wilson gets killed.

6. What are Tom and Daisy doing at the end of the chapter?  What does this say to you about Daisy's character?
Tom and Daisy are in the kitchen talking. Both weren't unhappy but they weren't unhappy either. This shows that Daisy's character is similar to toms personality. Daisy is a very selfish person and only cares about herself.
  • Trimalchio -means an arrogant former salve who has become quite wealthy by tactics that most would find distasteful.
  • Gatsby dismissed all his servants and replace them with new ones who never went into West Egg Village.
  • The new people weren't servants?
  • Gatsby and Nick were invited to the Buchanans for tea on a very hot hot day.
  • When Tom exected the room Daisy gave Gatbsuy a kiss on the mouth and said " You know I love you"
  • Gatsby was shocked to see Daisy's daughter for the first time.
  • Tom is very upset because Daisy confessed his love for Gatsby.
  • Daisy's voice is full of money.
  • Tom discovers information about Gatsby and finds out Gatsby has lied about himself.
  • Tom lost his wife and his mistress.
  • Gatsby was causing a row at the Buchanan's house.
  • Gatsby stands up to Tom and tells him how Dasiy never loved him because of her love for him.
  • Gatsby tells Tom that Daisy only married him because he was poor and Dasiy was tired of waiting for him.
  • Daisy says she loves both Tom and Gatsby!!!!!!
  • Daisy leaves Tom and goes with Gatsby
  • Daisy ran over Tom's mistress by accident and Gatsby is willing to take the blame for her.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Gatsby Notes and Thoughts Chapter/ Pgs.103-119

  • An ambitious young reporter from New York shows up at Gadsby's door one morning.
  • Legends say that Gatsby has a connection to " underground pipe-line".
  • Gatsby doesn't really live in his big mansion, but in a boat like a house that was moved secretly up and down the Long Island shore.
  • James Gatz is Gatsby's real name before he changed it at the age f 17 when he witnesses the beginning of his career.
  • Gatsby's parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people.
  • Gatsby sprang from his Platonic conception of himself.
  • Gatsby for over a year was a clam digger and a salmon fisher to buy himself food and bed.
  • I don't find it nice that Gatsby describes virgins as ignorant.
  • Gatsby thinks low of women and finds them easy.
  • Gatsby was on five year trip on the boat of Dan Cody.
  •  Dan Cody inhospitably died one week later after Ella Kaye came on board on the boat from Boston.
  • I think Ella Kaye was able to separate Dan from his money ( She killed him " most likely") 
  • Gatsby inherited money from Dan Cody ( 25,000 dollar legacy)
  • The millions that remain of Dan Cody's money went to Ella Kaye ( " Of course it would have")
  • Nick visits Gatsby's home after not being there for a while.
  • Gatsby, Nick e, Mr. Solgan, and Tome are having dinner together.
  • Tom is known as the "Polo Player" to Gatsby and not Mr. Buchanan.
  • Tom describes Gatsby as a " Big Bootleggers"
  • Gatsby wants to marry Daisy back in Louisville. and make everything like it was 5 years ago.
  • Gatsby tinks you can change the past but Nick doesn't.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Notes And Thoughts On Gatsby Chapter 5--Pgs.86

  • Gatsby's house looks like a party is going on but there's no sound. "Worlds Fair"
  • Nick is telling Gatsby how's he is gonna invite Dasiy over for tea.
  • It's funny that Gatsby is being very calm about Daisy's arrival and is acting like he doesn't care, but he actually is very excited.
  • Gatsby offers Nick a job at his side business since Nick doesn't make much money selling bonds.
  • I think this is another way Gatsby is trying to get closer to nick.
  • Gonnegtion- means Eye dialect.
  • Nick invites Daisy for tea but tells not to bring Tom with her.
  • Gatsby is being restless that Daisy hasn't shown up to Nick's home for tea.
  • When Daisy came into the house Gatsby had disappeared.
  • It's funny how at first Gatsby was all mad that Daisy wasn't there, but now that she is he doesn't know how to act.
  • Dasiy knows that its been years that they have seen each other, but Gatsby knows exactly how long it been. 
  • Gatsby has been keeping track of house long its been since they have seen each other (Five years next November).
  • I find it kinda romantic that Gatsby has been counting the days until he would see Daisy again.
  • Gatsby now thinks that her coming over for tea was a mistake.
  • Nick tells Gatsby to stop being a little boy.
  • Gatsby invites Daisy and Nick over to his house for a tour. 
  • Nick is very skeptical about joining them.
  • We know now that Gatsby inherited his money but lost most of it in Panic Of  The War.
  • Gatsby has been in the drug and oil business, but not anymore.
  • Gatsby replied very rudely to Nick when he asked about what business he was in. " That's my affair".
  • I feel like Gatsby changes his attitude very quickly because of Nick's relationship to Daisy.
  • Gatsby has a man in England that sends him his clothes for each season of the year.
  • Daisy is crying over the beautiful skirts Gatsby has.
  • Nick plays the piano for Gatsby and Daisy.

Monday, February 17, 2020

How You Know What I Know

I can show what I learned from this week by talking with a fellow classmate about a small summary. I can also just write a small summary of the big important ideas to wrap up the week.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Gatsby Test Grades

Angela answered 7/8 of the questions correctly. She got 7 wrong because she didn't understand. The answer to 7 was " Daisy was scared because of how Gatsby left her".

 Dayan answered 6/8 of the questions correctly.  She got questions 1 and 7wrong. The answer to one was " he was restless after the war" and " Daisy was scared because of how Gatsby left her".

Miriam answered 6/8 of the questions correctly. She answers 6 and 7 incorrectly.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Testing Understanding From the Other Side

I choose my questions because I wanted to make sure everyone knew what type of character we were working within the first three chapters. My chapter four questions were to make sure we noticed the new information we learned about Gatsby and Daisy. My questions show the character's background to help connect with their actions which I think is very important to know.

Great Gatsby Chapter 4 notes/ pgs. 82-85

  • Gatsby bought a house so he can be across the bay from Daisy.
  • The green light across the dock belonged to Gatsby
  • Gatsby invited Nick to the party because he knew Daisy.
  • Gatsby is rearranging his whole life to get close to daisy.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Gatsby Test Chapters 1-4

Chapter 1:
1:Why did Nick decide to move east besides learning the bond business?
2:What is the relationship between Dasiy and Nick?

Chapter 2:
1:Who is Tom in the story?
2:Who is Myrtle?

Chapter 3:
1: Who were some of the people at Gatsby's party.
2:What are some rumors about Gatsby

Chapter 4:
1:Why did Daisy get so scared when Tom left her side at any point after they were married?
2: What is the connection between Daisy and Gatsby?

Nicks Cardinal Virture

At the end of the chapter, we learn that Nick's cardinal virtue is " I am one of the few honest people that I have ever know". I feel like Nick feels this way because he surrounds himself with people who start rumors or pretend to be someone their not. I feel Nick is being humble about his idea. Nick is not going around telling people that they're dishonest to him. He is keeping this as a note for himself.

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

I inspired my Ap English Teacher with my Rotary Essay about how Socratic Seminars as a way to solve a conflict. Here are some topics my class talked about without having restrictions on the conversation by our teacher Dr. Preston.

  • How is your Big question going? This was asked by my classmate Lilly. I feel like I've have made some progress, but I'm not as far as I want to be. My other classmates felt the same way.

  • Did you guys balance your broom yesterday? This was also asked by my classmate Lilly. This question had the whole class nodding and smiling. Turns out lots of us did try to balance a broom including myself.

  • You all procrastinate? This was a question asked by my classmate Elio. This question had everyone nodding and agreeing. It was very interesting that everybody in an AP course procrastinated at some point in the year. Our teacher even commented with " I'll give you an answer in a while". I did this more then I wanted to at the beginning of the year because of the new responsibilities had, but now I really try and prevent that habit from coming back.

Gatsby Ch.4/Pgs.69-81

  • Rajah- means an Indian king or prince
  • Nick says that the words sound so well, he believes there now rehearsed and isn't real./Pgs 70-71
  • Gatsby is speaking in an odd way towards Nick/Pg. 72
  • Non-olfactory money- means that doesn't smell.
  • Mr. Wolfshiem is speaking to Nick about Black people and Jews in a racist way./Pg 74
  • Gonnegtion is supposed to be connection/Pg 75
  • Oggsford man Means Oxford/ Pg 76
  • Human teeth for cufflinks/Pg 77
  • Gatsby knows who is behind the Biggest scandal in the World Series and knows him well enough to sit and have lunch with him( Mr. Meyer Wolfshiem)./Pg.78
  • Gatsby encounters Tom( very awkward)/Pg 78-79
  • Daisy had a relationship with Jay Gatsby from the past.
  • This is why Tom and Daisy live across the from Gatsby Mansion, Why Gatsby is throwing the big party's, and why he's getting connected with Nick because he is related to Daisy.
  • The dots are connecting.

Monday, February 10, 2020


''MOM" stands for Minute of Mindfulness.
I thought about how the ads used to prevent teens from smoking are pretty weird.
I even skip the ads because of how odd they are now.
Lately, they been using zombies? :/
I wonder where can I find accurate information to answer my big question.
Have these ads gotten out of hand with the way there promoting teen smoking prevention?
I really do wonder if any teens have gotten help because of these ads.


I just read Chapter 3 of The Great Gatsby, and here is what I got out of it.

  • The two girls said that Gatsby had killed someone or that he was a German spy. These rumors came up after the girls told Nick and Jordan about Gatsby's weird behavior. I think Gatsby is so mysterious because I feel like he doesn't want people to be up in his personal business. I noticed that during the time this book is placed, all people really did at gatherings was gossip.
  • Nick calls the man in Gatsby library " Owl Eye's "
  • Nick initially images Gatsby to look like a " Rosy, husky, and middle-aged"
  • Nick discovers that Jordan is incurably dishonest.
  • Gatsby and Nick plan to up the hydroplane at 9am
  • At the end of the chapter, we learn that Nick's cardinal virtue is " I am one of the few honest people that I have ever know". I feel like Nick feels this way because he surrounds himself with people who start rumors or pretend to be someone their not.

Thursday, February 6, 2020


This week I sent the goal of trying to study for the SAT. My pre SAT score wasn't bad, but I know I can do so much better. I plan to at least study an hour or two from today(2/06/20) to Sunday (2/09/20). I really want to make sure I get a score that represents my full capability.


Chapter 2 -ending
  • Nick is the only who knows Daisy isn't Catholic
  • Little kyke: means the "n"/Pg.38
  • Mrs. Mckee doesn't seem like a happy person./Pg.38
  • The time went by so fast because of the bottle of whiskey.( For Nick)/pg.41
Chapter 3
  • Omnibus- means the shuttle
  • "The laughter is easier, minute by minute" Because of all the alcohol being passed around,
  • Prodigality- means profusely in large qualities.
  • Nick was one of the only people to be invited to Gatsby's part because everyone else just showed up.
  • Gatsby doesn't want trouble with anybody.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Gatbsy Pages #27-38

  • Vally of the ashes - About halfway between West Egg and New York/ Pg.27
  • Transcendent- Goes above and beyond.
  • His eyes symbolize- Vision ( The eyes of God, they see everything)Pg.28
  • The eyes have seen Tom mistress.Pg28
  • Tom shows up drunk/Pg.31
  • Toms very rude to Wilson /Pg31
  • Toms's girlfriend is Wilson Wife./Pg.31
  • Wilson's wife is a prude with no self-respect./Pg31
  • Ectoplasm- A goo
  • Mrs. Wilson is a poor mechanics wife but is acting like the rich girlfriend of Tom Buchanan.


BSQSD- Get stuff done!!!!!!!

  • Spend two minutes a day on your big question.
  • Get 10 followers to help support my work.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Gatspy Pages #11-26

  • The guest normally says " wow you have a nice play"/ Not the person who owns the home. Toms said " I've got a nice place"
  • Divan- means a sofa
  • Imperceptibly - means so slightly
  • Nick is making seem that everyone from the town really misses Daisy. ( Over exaggerating)
  • "I'm stiff "- Daisy makes is seem like laying on a couch is a big problem.
  • Wan- means Pale 
  • Daisy seems very interested that Nick knows Gatsby.
  • Nick didn't say anything that Gatsby is Nick's neighbor.
  • Daisy is never in the moment. She's always looking ahead and looking back 
  • Daisy is totally self-absorbed. P15-16
  • Tom is a racist " The idea is if we don't look out the white race will be - will be utterly submerged"," It's up to us who are the dominant race to watch out or these other races will have control of things" Pg 17
  •  Toms is an ignorant person. 
  • Coherence-Being logical and consistent.
  • Daisy and Toms daughter was an hour old and Tom was nowhere to be seen. ( Tom is an asshole)/ Pg 21
  • Daisy cried because she had a girl and not a boy.
  • Daisy " I'm glad it's a girl. And I hope she'' be a fool- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool". (DAM)/ Pg.21
  • Peremptorily -Cut off or before it happened.
  • Tom " Had some women in New York" and was affected by a racist book.  ( Tom is looking like a bad person) Pg 25
  •  Daisy and Tom don't seem happy. There magazine beautiful.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Meet Nick

Nick is the narrator of the story " The Great Gatsby"
Nick is From Minnesota.
Now Nick is now living in New York. He moved there after he graduated From New York Haven and after he left the war.
After the war, Nick was restless and moved east, to New York where he learned about the Bond Business.
Nick is a person who doesn't judge others because of what his father taught him.
Nick seems to be a very reserved person.

Whats In My Big Question For Me

My big question is something that I thought of because of repeating ads. Its also something I'm concerned about because at school you can walk into a restroom and see people smoking when you just want to get your business done in peace. It's funny to see their faces when they think its security that walked, but really its just student trying to use a restroom that's already disgusting as it is. I don't understand why teenagers smoke because to me they're just causing more problems to the problems they're trying to deal with. I then began to wonder if any of the ads I've seen have made any difference. Has it caused teenagers to quit or at least acknowledge the problem?