Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How to Get along Online

  • Don't bring down others' ideas because they don't agree with you.

  • Make sure everyone got an opportunity to speak.

  • Pay good attention to the speaker so you can give good feedback to show your understanding and show that you care.

The Art Of Hosting Good Conversation

  • Have fun
  • Avoid Taking side
  • Maintain Connection
  • Encourage people to talk amongst themselves 
  • Stay with the topic
  • Set a good example
  • Value others perspectives
  • Be fair
  • Listen
  • Welcome others
  • Accept everyone

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Ethos- The author Johannes is a philosopher who works with engineers in " Standford's Center for Automotive Research". ( Self-Driving Cars Article)
Diana Divecha- credible because she has a Ph.D. in psychology and she's an assistant clinical professor at Yale Child StudyCentet and Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence which makes her credible to talk about bullying.

Pathos - Diana Divecha: "School with a positive climate faster healthy development, while negative school climate is associated w/higher rates of student bullying, aggression victimization and feeling unsafe"
Diana Divecha: "A majorities of teachers report that they feel unprepared to deal with classroom bullying. Some teachers bully students themselves, or show a lack of empathy towards children who are bullied".

Logos- A study of 3b-first graders showed that when teachers were more emotionally supportive of students, children were less aggressive and had greater behavior, self-control, composed of the use of behavior management which did not improve student self-control.

Kiros- "So a school's specific issues can be addressed, and, the flavor at local cultures retained. School climate assessments can be completed periodically to track the impact of improvements" Diana Divecha.

Same Words Different People

  Dayanira- ( Meme) something stupid to make you laugh.

  Miriam- (Internet) a place where you can find a solution to your problems

  Angela -(2.0) The GPA you need to graduate and join sports.
  Dayanira-( Virus) Disease

  Miriam-(Blog) Somewhere where you can write your ideas

  Angela-(Viral) When something spreads rapidly

  Dayanira-(Website)Scooby do

  Miriam-(WWW) Typing error

Monday, November 18, 2019

Having The Time Of My Life

Life will pass so quickly. Life is really a movie but without a sequel. Don't spoil the chance at happiness. I try to make every moment count but as a human, I sometimes forget the concept of time. Everything that happens in this life happens for a reason even if we don't agree with its course of action. That's why we should just have the time of our life because its what we were given to work with.


You can use ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos to get something you want from your parents.
 Ethos- Is your character. When trying to convince your parents, make sure you sure to show that your character knows what he or she is talking about.

 Pathos- Is your emotion. Yous should make your parents feel a strong connection.

Logos-Is logic. When convincing your parents, make sure what your arguing has reasoning.

Kairos-Is the appropriate moment. Make sure your parents are in a good mood when asking for something that's usually is a no.

Meet My New Vocabulary

Image result for URL
URL- The address of the worldwide web

Image result for technology
Technology- The study and use of cleverness in using tools.

Image result for internetInternet- Globa Computer Network and the backbone of the world wide web.

Image result for personification

Personification- Using Human characteristics on none something none human.

Image result for author's toneTone - The way the author protares him or herself in writing.

Image result for allusion in writing

Allusion - What the author wants you to already know.

Image result for theme in writing

Theme- The message that is communicated from reader to author.

Image result for hack

Hack- A way to make something easier or speeds up the process.

Image result for characterizationCharacterization- The actions or behavior of the characters.

Image result for myth

Myth - A false belief or idea.